NFON now connected to the world’s largest Internet Exchange Points DE-CIX and LINX

NFON AG, a worldwide leading provider of cloud telephone systems, is now providing its customers with an even better quality of communication and services worldwide thanks to its connection to the world’s largest Internet hubs DE-CIX (Deutsche Commercial Internet Exchange in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and LINX (London Internet Exchange in London). The direct connection to the two Internet Exchange Points eliminates the need for additional parties and thus potential sources of error, such as countless peering points. “On the connection between NFON and its customers, it could happen in the past that data packets were lost due to error sources on the way, without any influence from our side. By connecting to the DE-CIX and LINX, we eliminate peering points and raise our network connection to a new and unrivalled level,” explains Jan-Peter Koopmann, Chief Technology Officer of NFON AG.

With its connection to the DE-CIX and LINX nodes in particular, NFON’s network is even closer to its customers – especially the core segment of small enterprises and SMEs. “The Large Enterprises segment is often connected to a network operator, which has direct peering with the Internet Exchange Points mentioned above. For our customers, who are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, the bridge to DE-CIX and LINX means a better service and a noticeable increase in quality without additional costs”, says Jan-Peter Koopmann. “Thanks to the direct connection to DE-CIX and LINX, we have more influence on the data traffic and are less dependent on external sources of interference and potential bottlenecks.”

[easy-tweet tweet=”The connection to DE-CIX and LINX is a logical step to adapt the network connection of NFON AG” hashtags=”NFON, Network”]

The DE-CIX Internet hub in Frankfurt has been the heart of the German and European data exchange via the Internet since 1995 and is the world’s largest Internet hub in terms of traffic volume. At peak times, up to 5.6 terabytes of data per second can be transferred via DE-CIX servers, and up to 3.8 terabytes via LINX. “The connection to DE-CIX and LINX is a logical step to adapt the network connection of NFON AG to the growth and internationalization of the company,” says Jan-Peter Koopmann. “Through our partners, we are always able to activate on demand internet exchanges such as VIX in Austria and many others.“

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