For March’s App of the Month we have selected Gotta Go! App. Now, if you’re a big Netflix-er then you may have already heard of this. It got huge PR by featuring in the show Chelsea Does. The app creates excuses to get you out of sticky situations. It may be a bit disingenuous, but let’s be honest, we’ve all been there – you’re stuck somewhere you don’t want to be and a little white lie is your best option.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Need a reason to run off? @zsahltd have found an #app that gives you all the excuses you need!”]

The problem is that the classic white lies just don’t cut it anymore – people see through them. How many times have you heard, “I’ve got to get on a conference call”? Or, “I need to go home and feed the cat?”

With this app, you can spend some time crafting a bank of credible excuses, assign them to one of your ‘contacts’ and then when you need it, that ‘contact’ will message you with your get-out-of-jail-free card. 

We recommend using this app when:

You’re on an awful first date

You’ve been dragged out for after-work drinks with your colleagues

The group bill arrives at the restaurant

[easy-tweet tweet=”Check out the #gifs on @zsahltd’s app of the month @gottagoapp” user=”comparethecloud”]

We do not recommend, I repeat DO NOT RECOMMEND, you use this app when:

When your loved one is giving birth

You’ve just caused a car accident

You’re having cold feet at the wedding


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