Tag: Data Centre

Are you ready for EU Data Protection Regulation?

Paul Weeden of Foration explains the implications the new EU Data Protection Regulations will have for your cloud business in the future.

A Hybrid Cloud Quickie

Neil Cattermull explains hybrid cloud business enablement in brief, easy to understand language.

Top Technologies for 2015

In our ever-changing world keeping up with tech is key if you want to stay ahead of the game. Arrow's David Fearne takes a look.

Focus on winning disciplines

Max Büchler, Management Consultant at HiQ, looks at how the Decathlon can offer lessons for business looking to make the most of the cloud.

Big Computing 2015

Neil Cattermull considers the year ahead for the cloud and predicts Big Data, IoT and Big Computing will be the hot topics.

The data centre in 2020

Pulsant's Matt Lovell considers the data centre in 2020 and what we can expect in the future.


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