Crisp Thinking Launches World’s Most Advanced Platform for Social Apps to Protect Young People from Sexual Exploitation and Bullying

Crisp Thinking, the leader in social risk protection, today marks Safer Internet Day by unveiling Combat – the world’s most advanced solution to address the rise in online grooming, sexual exploitation, cyber bullying and radicalisation through social networks and mobile apps.

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Building on Crisp Thinking’s 10-year heritage of helping social networks, apps and kids games protecting more than 420 million users and stopping 1.9 million possible sexual predators attempting to speak to 9.5 million children, Combat provides new and advanced protection by examining real-time all the risk factors in every exchange on social media, whether it involves images, video or chat. Backed by a team of global safety experts based around the world and alerted within minutes of potential issues, allowing for accurate and rapid intervention.

The increased use of image and video sharing on social media and messaging apps brings not only an increased and new set of risks to young people, but also a much bigger problem for the networks and app providers striving to protect users.  Combat provides a complete solution, bringing together enhanced discriminating technology that has incredible accuracy with a team of over 200 risk protection experts based across the globe and managed from a 24/7 UK command centre. The sophisticated technology within Combat can spot the ‘needle in the haystack’ from billions of pieces of content producing almost negligible rates of false positives. Crisp’s Social Risk Defence team are on hand 24/7 to interpret, prioritize and react, adding an important human element to the interpretation of risks.


“The massive increase in real-time image, video and group messaging has unfortunately been more than matched by the activities of on-line bad actors such as child sex offenders, extremist groups and others looking to exploit young and vulnerable people,” says Adam Hildreth, CEO and founder of Crisp Thinking. “We are also seeing an increasing trend in tactics where young people are tricked into sending explicit images or videos which are then used as blackmail for money or to further extort indecent images from the young person.

“Combat builds on our ten years of expertise in spotting the bad people, bringing a new level of protection for young people, allowing social networks and mobile apps to offer a new level of safety without compromising functionality, user experience or privacy.

“We have chosen to unveil Combat on Safer Internet Day because as the world-leader in this field, we have already reviewed over 90 billion pieces of user-generated content per year and have protected more than 420 million users over the past 10 years, we are committed to protecting young and vulnerable people who have the right to enjoy the internet without having their safety put at risk.”


Combat is delivered as a fully managed SaaS solution available by subscription according to the number of active users on a network or app, giving any social network, mobile app or kids game the unrivalled levels of protection for their users in a highly cost-effective manner.

With the fully managed service a team of 200 risk experts around the globe supplies a unique combination of skill, experience and technological innovation, capable of monitoring social interactions in 15 languages to counter the global explosion in risks from child sex offenders, trolls, extremist groups, radicalisation, sextortion, and child abuse content.

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