Neil Cattermull
Neil Cattermull, Director of Cloud Practice, Compare the Cloud
Neil's focus is on developing cloud technology and big data. You can often find him advising CXOs on cloud strategy.
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Open Minds – HA Clustering in Public Cloud Environments!
I stumbled upon Open Minds by accident during one...
Blockchain for Good Hackathon with Hyperledger & Accenture
Blockchain is the hot buzzword in tech at the...
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Migrating to Public Clouds – On the increase for Enterprises!
In a recent interview, I discussed the pros and cons of migrating to a public cloud, stating that nobody prepares appropriately for a migration...
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4 Important Steps to VM Migrations Considered!
Cloud migrations can be tricky when looking at the multitude of options for moving workloads from point A to point B. I don’t think...
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Digital Transformation for legacy IT – Is it possible?
Already, I feel as if the term “Digital Transformation” has been overused. However, it may be because I am embedded in the digital industry...
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After the Expo – Are we seeing a major shift in tech?
So another year passes and with a myriad of interviews under our belts later, we broadcast live at the Cloud Expo Europe 2017. We...
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Cloud migrations – Costly, Risky or Neither?
A few weeks ago, we wrote a brief introduction about saving time and how safeguarding of data is imperative. I want to follow on...
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Legacy, Migrations and the Elephant in the Room!
At Compare the Cloud we frequently come across some of the best (and worst) rising tech innovations in the industry, and recently there has...
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