Tag: Cloud

The rise of the robots – a networking perspective

When a switch is worth 1,000 robots! Cutting-edge robots and other advanced smart machines are set to be added into the rapidly expanding Internet of...

Stormy weather: Compliance and security in the cloud

With Microsoft’s announcement on the 1st July about the general availability of 'public switched telephone network' (PSTN) Calling as part of Skype for Business...

Death of the Speeding Ticket

Right now, the driverless car that takes you from A to B at the press of a button, parallel parks for you and which...

Looking for a step change in IT productivity?

Cloud is rapidly becoming the core platform for adding innovation and business value to an organisation. We are often overlooking some of the more...

How to keep your cloud safe

In the past several years, cloud adoption has grown rapidly. The latest studies reveal that cloud adoption in the UK now stands at 84...

Is multi-tenant cloud relevant anymore?

In the early nineties multi-tenancy was relevant, a new breed of solution providers were emerging, led by Salesforce.com. The multi-tenant approach employed a software...


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In 1991, two scientists first introduced the concept of...

Three Questions to Realign Your IT Investment Strategy

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Defending Health and Social Care from Cyber Attacks

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recently calculated that...

CIOs and CISOs Battle Cyber Threats, Climate, Compliance

CIOs and CISOs face unrelenting pressure from three massive...

Discover the Power of On-premise Cloud Innovation

For most organisations, the shift from on-premise to the...