Yvonne Chan

Yvonne Chan, Director, Solutions Delivery, GTreasury Yvonne Chan is the Director of Solutions Delivery team at GTreasury, a treasury management system provider. With over 15 years of experience in the treasury and technology industry, Chan has a proven track record in leading highly productive teams and exceeding client expectations.

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What is a treasury management system?

Treasury Management Systems: A Primer Treasury management systems (TMS) have...

How cloud technology is impacting finance

Cloud adoption is on the rise. As noted by...

What is a treasury management system?

Treasury Management Systems: A Primer Treasury management systems (TMS) have evolved significantly over the last few years, in large part thanks to a maturing cloud...

How cloud technology is impacting finance

Cloud adoption is on the rise. As noted by a recent RightScale survey, hybrid cloud adoption now tops 71 per cent year over year....


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