With tech reinventing itself monthly, one of my favourite statements of late is “I may be old but I’m not obsolete” (I think that applies to many of us on a personal level too!). Great ideas and cutting edge products save us the most sought after commodity in the world, time. This may seem an obvious tenet but when I caught up with a company that I’ve been watching for a while who propose to do just that, I was genuinely excited! Everyone needs more time whether it’s for family, personally or indeed to be more productive at work! Technically speaking there are many things that make our lives easier; applications that do the work for us when we want that online purchase, be it a book, a taxi, a holiday, or even a partner, but let’s spare a thought for how native cloud apps, data movement/setup or even lowering cost of ownership is achieved by making a leap from on-premise IT infrastructure to public cloud.

There have been a few large players who’ve pulled out of the public cloud space, mostly for a good reason.  However, it does leave only a handful of giants that can actually service your needs properly, securely and effectively. Two main providers to mention that I’m sure you know, AWS (Amazon Web Services) and MS Azure, are dominant players that simply make it easy for you to be a Cloud resident. Both companies are extremely well established, the tech just keeps getting better and better with more inclusions.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Once in while a company comes along that presents a different and interesting mindset. ” hashtags=”cloud, data”]

But let’s spare a thought about where your technical landscape is and how you change it first. You know that migrating to a Cloud is the right decision to do, but what about the legacy? What about the migration plan? What about the rigorous testing that you have to go through even before you have a concrete list of services to move or that can be moved? Nightmare!

Well, there’s loads of tools out there I hear you say, and yes there are many ways that you can copy, monitor and develop a Cloud strategy set for migration. But once in while a company comes along that presents a different and interesting mindset. It does all the above and saves you that valuable commodity. Releasing staff and resources to be used more effectively.

I caught up with Velostrata a few weeks ago and was given an update from the product marketing guys. I was impressed with the developments following on from an interview we had at last years Cloud Expo.

Velostrata’s software allows you to move workloads from your existing IT Estate to the Public Cloud in minutes, while controlling and automating where your storage reside. Could be on-premise, in the Cloud, or a combination of both.

From what I can see Velostrata is a unique and effective solution that addresses migration of both computing and storage without the risk! They cater for Public Cloud big boys such as MS Azure and AWS with some amazing testimonials and because of the way they stream your data so you can have applications running in minutes – without waiting for the data to be moved first or managing complicated data synchronisation for stateful applications. Because migrations can happen far more quickly, you can reduce both man hours and infrastructure costs. I wish I had access to this when I was responsible for financial IT Estates years back, it would have made my job a lot easier while ensuring both my peers (and my boss), were impressed! Additionally to all the above, you also have the chance to test your migration in an R&D environment without affecting your production environment and its also agentless!

If you are thinking of changing your on-estate tech cloud setup, (and even if you’re not, it’s worth looking at what a market leader is doing!), this company is worth more than a casual look

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Neil Cattermull, Director of Cloud Practice, Compare the Cloud

Neil's focus is on developing cloud technology and big data. You can often find him advising CXOs on cloud strategy.

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