Tag: IoT

‘Traingate’ shows us that CCTV systems need the cloud

The furore over Jeremy Corbyn and 'Traingate' may have died down, but it highlights an unfortunate truth about CCTV which those of us who...

SGNL – Gadget of the Week

After a while floating through the seemingly endless pages of tech startup projects vying for your funding on Kickstarter it becomes clear there will forever...

Forget the Wristband, the Future is on the Body

How Smart Garments are Transforming the Wearable Tech Market Wearable technology has taken its time. Limited by price, bulkiness and low functionality, mainstream adoption of...

Are your employees putting your cloud data at risk?

Ransomware has spent quite a bit of time in the spotlight as a major culprit of data breaches. There is however, another threat that...

Is your Wi-Fi ready for the Internet of Things?

The internet of things (IoT) has been dubbed ‘Industrie 4.0’ in Germany for its potential to spark a new industrial revolution. Eighty percent of companies...

Touch-Button Home Security to Make You Feel Like a Rock Star

Everyone knows that driveway gates can greatly improve home security. But beyond choosing between wooden and iron gates, did you know that you also...


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