Tag: bitcoin

Recruitment | Blockchain | A game changer in hiring

Whilst Bitcoin has taken the spotlight when it comes to the application of blockchain technology, we are starting to see a surge of innovation...

Stop Thinking Bitcoin is Blockchain

In the run-up to Christmas, It felt like the world was in an uproar about Bitcoin. Suddenly, this sleeping giant was the hot topic...

Could we be on the cusp of aligning mainstream financial institutions with cryptocurrencies?

This year has seen Bitcoin skyrocket in value. Last week’s news that the cryptocurrency was up 900 percent came amid increasing speculation that mainstream...

Is Blockchain the answer to fraud prevention?

Thirty percent of businesses reported some sort of fraud within their supply chains last year. In addition, UK businesses also lost over £40m last...

A Fifty Year Low

The frugal among you may have a scowl on your face. Interest rates on traditional UK savings accounts are the lowest they’ve been for...

Could Bitcoin be the secret to side-stepping crippling inflation?

Bitcoin can be a route out of poverty in the developing world, and help secure safe dollars. Ruben Galindo Steckel, co-founder of AirTM, explains how. There...


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