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Demystifying the cloud for CFOs

Inside corporates, The Cloud is on a roll. In the...

Is Digital Transformation Clouding our Security Judgment?

In the last year, we have seen security attacks...

Recruitment | Blockchain | A game changer in hiring

Whilst Bitcoin has taken the spotlight when it comes...

A Guide to Machine Learning

Machine learning is one of the most innovative and...

Why Love is the Best Phishing Weapon

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, With this e-card, I'm scamming you. Who doesn't love love? And who doesn't want to know that they are loved? And, especially,...

What’s in a name? The coming rise of gTLDs.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet." These are the immortal words from...

Cloud is a Constantly Moving Shark

It's a well-known cliche that if you ask a hundred people what "The Cloud" is, you'll get a hundred different answers. And if you...

Beyond belief: imagining a world without open source

Whether we realise it or not, open source technology plays a key part in our daily lives. Broadly, the term refers to immaterial goods...

Stop Thinking Bitcoin is Blockchain

In the run-up to Christmas, It felt like the world was in an uproar about Bitcoin. Suddenly, this sleeping giant was the hot topic...

AI and ML – A Force For Good

Stories in the newspapers and online regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) generally centre around sensational, scary and dystopian headlines. This is a problem: it doesn't...

Visual Internet of Things Set For Massive Growth in 2018

We're well into 2018 now - and we have given you a number of predictions and analyses of what 2018 might bring. One of...

How to Import the Best Disruptive Tech

In the struggle to remain competitive, much of what started out as ‘disruptive tech’ is now mainstream and as costs fall, it is becoming...

Looking Ahead to 2018 Cloud Computing

Just before Christmas, we kicked off our look ahead to what 2018 will have in store for us with, "Cloud Trends to Shape 2018"...

Don’t Be Held to Ransom at Christmas!

Whether it’s in January when you read your credit-card statement, or if it’s right now that you check the state of your bank balance,...